House Rules
Welcome to the Makana O Ke Akua Inc. Structured Clean and Sober Living Environment. Sobriety is a critical factor in your ability to succeed in maintaining a healthy and stable lifestyle. The following house rules will be enforced. They should be self- evident and easily followed by anyone who is sincere in maintaining sobriety. Remember that we are here to support you in your efforts and hope that Makana O Ke Akua Inc. will help you to achieve your goals of independent living and sobriety.
Use of alcohol and/or drugs on or off the premises, or bringing or possessing alcohol or illicit/illegal drugs on the premises will be grounds for immediate termination.
Overdosing on prescription drugs is considered to be substance abuse and grounds for immediate termination.
Makana O Ke Akua has the right to test for drugs/alcohol at any time. A staff member will be present at the time the urine sample is being collected. Refusal of testing will be treated as a positive. A positive test will be charged to the resident. From the time of notification, the resident will have one hour to provide a test sample and will remain under staff supervision until a sample is given. If no test sample is provided, the test shall be treated as a positive. Any positive results will be grounds for immediate termination. ($25.00 fee for positive test result and/ or non compliance)
If any illegal substances, and/or paraphernalia or weapons of any kind are found on the premises, they will be confiscated and turned over to the Honolulu Police Department. This will be grounds for immediate termination.
Makana O Ke Akua strives to maintain a peaceful and harmonious environment at all times. Therefore any foul, violent or threatening behavior, either verbal or physical, shall not be tolerated. Cursing and foul language will not be tolerated. Violation of this rule will be grounds for immediate termination.
Any resident arrested and/or charged with a crime while in residence will be grounds for immediate termination. Any destruction or altering the physical construction of the premises, including interior walls will be subject to payment of cost of repair and/or termination.
Use of others food, tobacco or personal items without permission is stealing. If you ask and are given permission, individual giving should get it for you.
No one is allowed to go into anyone’s room unless they are present in their room and you are given permission. Anyone in violation of this rule will be subject to immediate termination.
All complaints or request shall be brought to House Manager and/or Director
2. CLEANLINESS AND MAINTENANCE: Cleanliness of person, clothing, and room is an absolute must. “Beds made properly.” Residents will be assigned specific chores to keep the common areas of our home in good order. You are also required to clean after cooking this includes, stoves, counters, cooking utensil wash dry and put away your own dishes immediately. All residents are mandated to participate in; 1st. & 3rd. Saturday of each month for general yard and house cleaning.
3. RENT PAYMENTS: Rental Payments are due on the 5th of each month in full. Payment plans are available upon request subject to approval by Director. (Request submitted 3wks prior to the 5th with paystubs or proof of income.) Failure to comply with rental due date and/or payment plan will be grounds for termination, and/or a late payment fee of 10% will be charged.
4. CURFEW: All residents shall be home by 10pm on weekdays and 11pm on weekends. No one is allowed to leave the premises after curfew unless permitted by House Manager. Weekdays are from Sunday to Thursdays, Weekends Friday and Saturday. All residents are required to sign out when they are leaving the premises and sign in when they return. Signout forms are Provided
5. AA / NA MEETINGS: All residents will be required to attend 3 AA/NA meetings a week and get signatures of confirmation of attendance. Church func- tions are considered a meeting if a church program of the day’s service is submitted. There is a mandatory house meeting every week on Tuesday nights at 8pm.
6. VISITORS: No visitors will be allowed inside our home unless cleared by Director and/or Manager of home. Access will be limited to living and dining areas. No visitor allowed without another family member present at home. DAY VISITS ONLY, NIGHT VISITS. Must be cleared by Director and/or Manager.
7. OVERNIGHTERS: No overnighters for the first 30 days. There will be no overnighters for those who are not in compliance of all rules, regulations and rental payment. Paroles will be required to get permission from parole officer for overnighters. (Sleep outs) Overnighters will be 2 nights per week Friday/ Saturday or upon request for weeknights. Request forms must be submitted to Manager for authorization. Anyone staying out without authorization will be in violation and subject to immediate termination. (Request forms submitted minimum of 3 days prior to requested date)
8. SELF SUFFICIENCY: Residents who are physically and mentally able to work will be required to find full-time employment within 30 days of entry. Non-Compliance will be grounds for termination. All residents are required to be responsible for rental payments.